Helping You Understand Your Inner World

One Doodle at a Time

Hi! I'm Dr. Trish Phillips also known as 

"The Doodle Doc"

I draw emotional and relational feelings in a way that speaks to the inner world.

The little Doodle people help explore topics such as developmental trauma, the inner child, attachment wounds & generational healing.

As you begin to view your emotional landscape as your inner world, an expansive internal map begins to unfold. This personalized blueprint can help guide you to where you most need healing.

With gentle attending to yourself, you will begin to feel a softening inside.

You can become the loving caretaker for yourself that you always needed. This is re-parenting.


just can't

"Our nervous systems are always asking, Are you with me?"

Stephen Porges

Join me on YouTube

Where I create weekly, easy to follow along, videos that help you remember... your Whole Self

Create your own Doodle Journal

Follow along video

Mental Health Resource

For when you can't remember what to do

Notice as you Shut Down

Fight and Flight also available on YouTube